Wisconsin Association of Monument Builders
Purpose Statement
The purposes of this Association shall be consistent with the purposes of the Monument Builders of North America, and
1. To encourage the knowledge and appreciation of memorialization in the public interest.
2. To organize, foster and maintain an association for the promotion and improvement of the art of memorialization.
3. To support educational programs directed to all segments of the cemetery and memorialization industry.
4. To encourage better memorialization
5. To bring about constructive relationships between all segments of the memorial industry and cemeteries.
6. To promote and encourage cooperation and understanding in all relations within the memorialization industry and with respect to industry relations with all segments of the industry.
About Our Organization
The Wisconsin Association of Monument Builders Chapter is comprised professionals
interested in enhancing their professional development through attendance at our annual conference, chapter meetings and through networking. Our regional conference each year allows members to have an opportunity to explore and learn about current ideas, systems, and technology. Our members get the opportunity to meet fellow professionals who may become friends, advisors, or that crucial business contact.
