Ketterhagen Memorials - Elkhorn
Ketterhagen Memorials represents 100 years of excellence in design and installation of cemetery memorials.

We offer our families:
* the finest memorial display in Wisconsin with the largest variety of memorials and designs
* quality grades of granite, marble and bronze in an array of many colors and sizes
* lifetime guarantee
* personal guidance from our professional artists and craftsman
* drawings and renderings submitted to you for final approval
* in-cemetery final inscriptions and restorations
* granite benches
* hearts
* boulders
* address markers
* columbariums
* mausoleums
* cremation memorials
* war memorials
* civic memorials
* pet memorials

Ketterhagen Memorials
5506 State Rd 11
Elkhorn WI 53121
Tel: 262 723-3291; 800 606-2535
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