Di Rienzo Monument Co.
We understand that selecting the right memorial can be a difficult decision. In selecting a Di Rienzo memorial, you will have the assurance of quality craftsmanship, the finest design, and the best possible value. Each personalized memorial is carefully hand crafted to reflect the uniqueness of the individual or family it commemorates. With the technology now available we have the opportunity to tell a life story through custom shapes and sizes, through stone color and pattern, and through portraits and detailed laser etchings.
Almost a century of experience has shown us the importance of high standards. This is why we guarantee that our monument will stand the test of time, lovingly commemorating your loved one for eternity. Your selection of a Di Rienzo memorial offers peace of mind now and for the future.
Mission Statement
We strive to:
* Make it easy to do business with us
* Give our customers a good value for our products
* Deliver great service and support
* Do what we promise
* Always give full, prompt, and courteous attention to our customers
Di Rienzo Monument Co.
2436 Regent St
Madison WI 53726
Tel: 608 233-2724
Fax: 608 233-7245
E-mail: info@dirienzomemorials.com
