Bronze Stone Group
Bronze Stone Group cemeteries provide personalized and professional services, in advance or at the time of need. Our cemeteries are beautifully landscaped and offer many options including:
* Cemetery lots
* Mausoleums
* Cremation niches for urns
* Lawn crypts
* Private estate mausoleums
* Onsite chapels for services and reflection
We offer a wide range of options for personal memorization, including:
* Granite and bronze markers
* Monuments
* Benches
* Many options for cremation.
* For additional samples, see
Our professional staff is available to answer your questions regarding:
* Pre-planning your final arrangements
* Affordable payment plans
* Programs for veterans
For more information, contact your local cemetery, listed below or fill-out our online form.
Our Mission
To provide caring, professional service, meeting the diverse needs of the community we serve.
To offer personalized memorialization options to commemorate the lives of loved ones.
To listen openly and help fulfill personal wishes in advance or in need.
To offer peace in a place of exceptional beauty and tranquility for years to come.
Bronze Stone Group
PO Box 179
N44 W33092 Watertown Plank Rd
Nashotah WI 53058
Tel: 262 367-2252
Fax: 262 369-0590
