Bosman Monuments - Kenosha
How Can We Help?
We all realize we will someday pass away. Very few of us have ever considered some of the questions which arise at the time of death.
The funeral experience is often an emotional process to go through involving a seemingly endless number of details to decide on, and all in a short amount of time.
Once the funeral has taken place, it often seems there is little to show for what went before. One item is left to be decided: What will mark our place in this life? What will record our feelings, our memories?
Unlike the urgency of the funeral, choosing and producing a memorial can be done according to a family’s particular circumstances. The truth is that you shouldn't be pressured by a monument company to design and buy a memorial before you are ready, either emotionally or financially. You should be the voice in choosing a memorial that best represents the people you love...and one that you can afford. That's why we provide personal service in advising you with the selection and design of a memorial.
For now, this website may be merely answering some of the questions that seem to be so confusing. We encourage you to take your time when choosing and designing a memorial. Our goal is to work with you to choose the memorial fitting the memory of the people you love.
Bosman Monuments has been in the memorial business for almost 50 years. We have one of the largest selections of memorials in southeastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. We offer the finest granites from around the world, in a wide variety of hues and textures.
The memorials we provide reflect the knowledge and craftsmanship that has been personally taught from one generation to the next. special care is taken to retain the high standards of quality that have become our tradition. In addition to handcrafted granite markers, we supply high quality bronze memorials from one of the nation's largest and most revered bronze works.
The Bosman Difference
What is the difference between our work and the work most other companies produce? We have not compromised the engraving process by using "short cuts." The majority of monument companies, if indeed they do their own engraving, have cut corners in the process by artificially coloring the engraved areas.
This was unheard of in the past. The only reason to use artificial coloring is that the engraver can spend less time on the memorial. He doesn't have to whiten surfaces with the proper material, and he doesn’t have to cut the lettering as deep. He's cutting a corner at your expense, because what you're buying may not look the same in the future. There are few things that you can do that will last forever. This should definitely be one of them.
We still do things the old-fashioned way here. The process hasn't changed since we started in 1957. Simply put, we don't do anything on a memorial that we may have to apologize for later. We still feel that our work is our signature. It's how many we can do right, not how many memorials we can output in a given period of time.
We'll sit with a family and take the time to ask just what it will take to make the memorial just right for them. We don't rush the families for whom we work, and you don't have to purchase a memorial right away. Purchase it when you are ready, and not before. We wouldn't want to be pushed into this, and we don't believe that you would either. For your convenience, we can complete transactions by mail, fax, and even e-mail these days. Families are spread out all over the country and world today, but communication has become a lot easier.
What sets us apart most of all is that our family name is still on the door after 49 years. Since 1957, we've been trying to serve families with personal service and quality workmanship. That is still our pledge to you.
Bosman Monuments
6511 52nd St
Kenosha WI 53144
Tel: 262 633-4275; 800 636-8882
